detail and trellis work |
the working needle |
Worked hard to almost finish the top half of the design yesterday. The top two circles are straight forward satin stitch worked over split stitch, and were really quick to work. The next pale green was satin stitch but I decided to trellis over it as the stitches were quite long. Then there is the big circle which brought slight frustrations. Nikki originally suggested velvet stitch - not being a big fan of velvet stitch although it has its place - I decided to go for the French knot option. The French knots looked too textured when everything around it looked fairly sleek, so I decided to just trellis over it, which I am fairly happy with. The French knots however, are so solid - that my fingers and the working needle (which has been amazing after what I have put it through) are at breaking point. Still - the joys of decision making!